The Urban Art Shop Bumper Stickers
As the year winds down, I spent some time at The Urban Art Shop in San Diego helping them get ready for 2021. One project we came up with was a quick fundraiser to round out December: I LOVE ART bumper stickers! I designed and printed these four designs to accompany the I LOVE ART Instagram filter we launched earlier in the year.
Partners In Prevention Vaping Animation
In New Jersey, vaping has become an issue, especially during the pandemic. I worked with the Hudson County Coalition to create this quick animated ad to help spread the word about the dangers of vapid and COVID-19.
SDFJC Annual Report
I joined the San Diego Family Justice Center in 2020 as part of a grant that allowed us to revamp and create a whole series of outreach and information materials about the services and work done at this multi-faceted organization. A catch-up annual report for 2019 was in order, and I was happy to work with the team start-to-finish on this project.
Let’s Connect
If you have a need for branding, marketing, and communication using print, web, and social, feel free to contact me any time!