In Winter of 2021 I was elected as a “commander” at a blockchain-based organization called CronCats which specializes in smart contract scheduling and automation. I was onboarded to help bring the CronCat outreach to a new level via Twitter marketing and promotion. Have a look at some of the designs I created to get the word out there to developers and clients.
Footprints for Life
In the Spring and Fall of 2021 I was busy working with the team at Footprints for Life, a program within the Partners In Prevention, to create a 6-part animated educational series featuring a soccer team of cartoon animal kids dealing with issues such as anger, bullying, smoking, teamwork, and problem solving.
These were an interesting series to create and each episode was about 5 to 6 minutes long. I utilized Adobe Illustrator, Character Animator, and Audition to get these done.
Let’s Connect
If you have a need for branding, marketing, and communication using print, web, and social, feel free to contact me any time!