This is the year of continuing education certifications for me. I’m down with this culture of getting little awards proving that I read and understood some concept.

These past 10 months of late night and early morning online classes has garnered me such accomplishments as my certification in Google Ads, Google Search, Google Analytics,  and “Accessibility for Web Developers” certification from the IAAP backed Siteimprove US Academy.



I also have completed multiple week courses in a program learning UX Design, Design Thinking, Human-Computer Interaction, and am taking more from

About The Interaction Design Foundation

We are an independent nonprofit initiative with an objective that sounds like a paradox—to raise the level of global design education to an Ivy League standard, while at the same time reducing costs to as low as we can possibly take them. So, we democratize learning by providing top-notch curricular materials, and we aim to strike the perfect balance between academic rigor and practical relevance.

Let’s Connect

If you have a need for branding, marketing, and communication using print, web, and social, feel free to contact me any time!